Discover Mino City with World Heritage Sites

The Nagara River, A Clear Stream

The Nagara River, one of the 100 cleanest rivers in Japan, has a basin area of 1,985 km², with the mainstream being 166 km long. The clear waters are deeply connected with food, traditional culture, history, and economy, and have brought blessings since long ago.

Why a World Heritage

Nagara River and Mino City

Nagara River, which Nurtures Mino's Culture, Food, and Nature
The Nagara River flows the center of Mino City and has enriched narure, biodiversity, and traditional crafts. The white, even texture of Mino Washi, which has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, and one of the tastiest Ayu fish, designed as "Ayu of the Nagara River System" in a Globally Important Aguricultural Heritage Systems, are thanks to the clear waters of the Nagara River. Mino City offers gourmet foods and activities related to the Nagara River.

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Nagara River Railway

About Nagara River Railway

The Nagaragawa Railway is a sightseeing train that runs through the middle of Gifu Prefecture, covering 38 stations and 72.1 km in about 2 hours. The trains include the "Nagara," which has a luxurious interior and offers meals, as well as the "Yura-ri Nagamete Seiryu Train," which runs at a slower speed to showcase spectacular viewpoints. You can enjoy the beautiful landscape and the lifestyles of the people nurtured by the Nagara River both from the train window and by disembarking at the stations!

Nagara River Railway

Seki Station: Why not stop by before Mino City?

On the route from Mino-Ota Station to Mino City, Seki City is famous for its knife-making industry. During the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Japanese swords were produced here and gained a reputation as being 'unbreakable, unbendable, and sharp,' thanks in part to the abundant water and water transport of the Nagara River. If you get off at Seki Station, you can visit the Seki Traditional Swordsmith Museum and the Cutlery Sanshu Seki Hamono Museum, where you can see and experience modern cutting tools and historical swords.

Seki City

Mino-Shi Station: The Udatsu Preservation District

After leaving Seki City, take the railway along the Nagara River to Mino City. Mino City, which produces the World Heritage-listed Mino washi, has various locations related to washi.
What you will see first after you get off the train at Mino-shi Station is The Udatsu Preservation District. At the Former Imai Family Residence, which onece operated a washi wholesaler, the interior of the house and the shoji made of Hon Mino-Washi create an ancient atmosphere. Shops along the streets sell sophisticated washi goods made by craftsmen, and goods with cute, unique designs. Please be sure to find your favourite items! It is also highly recommended to visit the Mino Washi Akari art exhibition held here in autumn.

Mino-Shi Station

Umeyama Station: The Mino Bridge

Taking a small walk to north, you get to the red colour of the Mino Bridge appears in the nature-rich scenery of Mino City, which is near the Umeyama Station. This bridge, built in 1916, is the oldest existing suspension bridge in Japan and has a retro vibe. You can view the clear waters of the Nagara River from the 113 metre long bridge connecting above the Nagara River. Moreover, at night, lights illuminate the bridge which attracts many people to come and take photos.

Umeyama Staion

Gujo Hachiman Station: Further exploration into a town of water

Further north on the Nagara River Railway is Gujo Hachiman Station in Gujo City. This city is known as "a town of water," and the Yoshida River, the largest tributary of the Nagara River, symbolizes the city. The river's clarity is so amazing that you can see the stones at the bottom from the bridge. Another notable spot to visit is Sogi-sui, a spring water source famous for being designated as the first of the '100 Best Waters in Japan.' Sogi-sui was named after the renga (a kind of Japanese poem) master Iio Sogi, who loved drinking this spring water and composed poems here. Additionally, there are various other beautiful water spots and attractions to explore in Gujo Hachiman and its surrounding area.

Gujo Hachiman Station
Enjoy Ibusuki Onsen gourmet food

Nagara River Activities

Experience ”Paper Making”

Mino Washi is produced through a combination of high-quality Nagara River water and the techniques of craftsmen passed down from generation to generation. In Mino City, you can experience the traditional craft of making Mino washi. With a history of more than 1,300 years, Mino Washi has been handed down by craftsmen and has supported Japanese lifestyles in various forms up to the present day. You can come into contact with traditional Japanese culture through the experience of making delicate and beautiful Mino Washi paper.


River Activities (SUP, Rafting, Canoe Kayaking)

The Nagara River, one of the clearest rivers in Japan, stretches 166 kilometers and offers a variety of water activities. There are many water activities available, such as "SUP," where you stand on a board and paddle on the surface of the water to enjoy the scenery in a relaxed manner. You can also enjoy "rafting" down the Nagara River or go for "canoeing/kayaking," where you can experience the feeling of floating on the river. These activities are suitable for both adults and children, providing a chance to immerse themselves in the experience while refreshing their minds and bodies amidst the beauty of nature. Enjoy the unique scenery that can only be witnessed on the Nagara River, which differs from that on land, and create exciting memories that will last a lifetime.

Water Activities

Fishing (Ayu)

The Nagara River, with its crystal-clear water, is renowned as a popular spot for "Ayu no Tomozuri" (fishing for ayu with a live decoy). "Ayu no Tomozuri" is a fishing technique that capitalizes on the ayu's tendency to bite and attack other invading ayu in its territory, using its body to drive them away. The ayu of the Nagara River was recognized as a World Heritage of Agriculture in 2015, and its pristine water contributes to the growth and size of the ayu. "Ayu no Tomozuri" is an activity that can be enjoyed by both experienced and inexperienced anglers.

Fishing Ayu
Gourmet Around Nagara River

Gourmet Around Nagara River

Kaiseki Cuisine of Ayu

In Mino City, surrounded by the clear waters of the Nagara River and the natural beauty of its majestic mountains, you can savor Ayu Kaiseki cuisine to enjoy the freshness of Ayu. These Ayu dishes are available only during the summer season through mid-October, and each dish is carefully prepared and presented in a colorful manner that is pleasing not only to the taste buds but also to the eyes.
At Hyorokuen, a restaurant committed to local production for local consumption that purchases Ayu directly from fishermen, you can indulge in their specialty: Kanroni (Ayu stewed in sweetened soy sauce). This dish is meticulously prepared by hand, one by one. Alternatively, at Ryokufuso, while gazing at the Nagara River and the Mino Bridge, a nationally designated important cultural asset, you can enjoy fresh Ayu sashimi and local cuisine that incorporates Ayu in abundance. Take your time to unwind and relish the delicious Ayu Kaiseki cuisine.

Kaiseki Cuisine of Ayu

Salt-grilled Ayu

The charm of Mino Ayu, which swims vigorously in the clear Nagara River, lies in its taste and aroma. The Nagara River's water quality is particularly excellent, providing high-quality food and nutrients for the Ayu. This results in plump and tender meat for Mino Ayu. The most popular way to enjoy Ayu is by grilling it with salt, which enhances its original flavor.
At Mino Kanko Yana, a fish weir located in Mino City, you can savor Ayu fish grilled with salt and other exquisite Ayu dishes right by the banks of the Nagara River. During the season, the area is bustling with people, making it a delightful spot for both adults and children alike.

Salt-grilled Ayu


There are many souvenirs related to Ayu, allowing you to enjoy Ayu even at home. One popular option is the 'Nagara Otome,' a young Ayu stuffed with eggs, which is available in various flavors including grilled, overnight dried, and smoked.
At Hyorokuen, you can also purchase their specialty sweetened Ayu as a souvenir. Its sweet and addictive flavor pairs well with rice. The locals in Mino also hold a deep affection for Mino Ayu, and you'll find many other souvenirs such as Ayu-themed or Mino Bridge shaped sweets that you should explore when you visit Mino.
