Kirishima and Osumi Area

The Kirishima area is a place where the legend of the myth of the beginning of Japan still remains.
After visiting the power spot Kirishima Shrine, you can relax and refresh yourself at Kirishima Onsen Village.
A trip to the Osumi Peninsula is also recommended.


【Climate】Mount Kirishima

The Mount Kirishima, a chain of more than 20 volcanoes located in the northern part of Kagoshima Prefecture, attracts many climbers with its diverse trekking routes that change their expressions each spring, summer, fall, and winter, including colorful flower carpets and azure lakes.
Choose a trekking course that suits your fitness level, from beginner courses to full-scale courses, and enjoy hiking in the Mount Kirishima, which is steeped in mythological romance.


Descent of the descendants of Amaterasu

A mythical time when the gods ruled the world. It is said that the grandson of Amaterasu, with three sacred weapons in his hands, descended on Takachiho peak in Mount Kirishima, marking the first step in legend of the descent of grandchildren.
Feel the prayers of the people and the dignified air as you trek along the trail leading to the Mount Kirishima to recharge your batteries.


  • Ebino Highlands Pond
    Ebino Highlands Pond
  • Ebino Highlands Pond
    Ebino Highlands Pond
  • Mount Karakuni
    Mount Karakuni
  • Mount Karakuni
    Mount Karakuni
  • Mount Takachiho
    Mount Takachiho
  • Mount Takachiho
    Mount Takachiho



【History】Kirishima Shrine

Kirishima Shrine is the largest spiritual spot in the Kirishima area. Its majestic presence and beauty, clad in the power of the Kirishima mountain range that rises behind it, continue to attract visitors.
After visiting Kirishima Shrine, enjoy the local cuisine and famous hot springs in Kirishima Hot Spring Village and refresh your body and soul in a beautiful way.

Kirishima Jingu Shrine

Seven Wonders of Kirishima

The area surrounding Kirishima Jingu Shrine is dotted with spectacular natural scenery, such as autumn foliage spots and the Shinsuikyo Gorge, a beautiful landscape created by volcanic activity.
The entire Kirishima area is a spiritual spot where you can enjoy the sacred air away from the city.
There are also some mysterious spots and phenomena known as the "Seven Wonders of Kirishima," so searching for them is one of the best ways to enjoy a trip to Kirishima.


  • Kirishima Shrine
    Kirishima Shrine
  • Kirishima Shrine
    Kirishima Shrine
  • Kirishima Shrine
    Kirishima Shrine
                            Kirishima Kyumen Taiko
    Kirishima Kyumen Taiko
  • Kirishima Onsen
    Kirishima Onsen
  • Onsen Boil Cuisine
    Onsen Boil Cuisine



Osumi Peninsula

Oshima Peninsula is the southernmost peninsula of mainland Japan. This tropical, travel-inspired place always warmly welcomes travelers with its soaring Sakurajima, beautiful coastline fragrant with sea breezes, and nostalgic countryside scenery.
It is also a special place where you can feel the universe even closer than usual, with the Space Center, where cutting-edge space development technology is concentrated, and the observatory with the most beautiful starry sky in Japan.

Osumi Peninsula

JAXA Uchinoura Space Center

JAXA's rocket launch site located in Kimotsuki Town.
Many rockets, scientific satellites, and probes, including Japan's first artificial satellite OHSUMI and the asteroid probe HAYABUSA, have left for faraway space from here. Visitors can tour the observatory and see the rocket launch site.
At the Space Science Museum, you can learn about the mechanism of rockets and the history of space research.


  • JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
    JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
  • JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
    JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
  • JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
    JAXA Uchinoura Space Center
                            Kanoya Rose Garden
    Kanoya Rose Garden
  • Kihoku Astronomical Observatory
    Kihoku Astronomical Observatory
  • Tarumizu Senbon Ginkgo Garden
    Tarumizu Senbon Ginkgo Garden




Minami-Osumi is the southernmost town on the Japanese mainland. If you stand at the Cape Sata Lighthouse, one of the oldest lighthouses in Japan, you will feel the roundness of the earth in front of the magnificent horizon that is too big to fit in your field of vision.
The tropical vegetation and the scent of the sea in the sea breeze make you feel like you are in the tropics. The unique time that only travelers who have arrived at the "end of the south" can feel is flowing by.


Cape Sata
-The southernmost cape

Beyond the cliffs of this cape is the endless East China Sea. In the past, many travelers must have embarked from this cape to the wide open sea in search of trade with the world.
"Here is where the land ends and the sea begins." Standing here in the blue sea, everyone will naturally feel the urge to recite the famous poem.

south end

  • Cape Sata
    Cape Sata
  • Cape Sata
    Cape Sata
  • Ogawa Falls
    Ogawa Falls
  • Ogawa Falls
    Ogawa Falls
  • Panorama Park Nishihara-dai
    Panorama Park Nishihara-dai
  • Suwa Shrine
    Suwa Shrine



【Food】Osumi Gourmet

The Osumi Peninsula, the southernmost peninsula of the Japanese mainland, tickles the traveler's fancy. Why don't you go out to the Osumi Peninsula to look for "deliciousness" full of tropical energy, lured by the fresh southern wind?
Blessed with the rich fishing grounds of Kinko Bay, mild climate, and clean air, the Osumi Peninsula is a treasure trove of foodstuffs such as black vinegar, kampachi, and eel, the largest production in Japan.

Osumi Gourmet

Kurozu Restaurant Kakuida

A Kurozu restaurant where you can enjoy your meal while looking at the black vinegar jars spread at all around, and Sakurajima and Kinko Bay in the background.
In addition to enjoying black vinegar dishes that are ideal for health and beauty, visitors can buy black vinegar products and observe the black vinegar production process.
Here sell a large number of Kakuida's specialty black vinegar that has been aged for many years.


  • Kurozu Restaurant Kakuida
    Kurozu Restaurant Kakuida
                            Kurozu Restaurant Kakuida
    Kurozu Restaurant Kakuida
  • Kurozu CraftBeer
    Kurozu CraftBeer
                            Kampachi Donburi
    Kampachi Donburi
  • Unagi Sushi of Shibushi City
    Unagi Sushi of Shibushi City
                            Unaju of Shibushi City
    Unaju of Shibushi City


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