• Satsuma Kiriko Experience
    Satsuma Kiriko Experience
  • Sand Bath Experience
    Sand Bath Experience
  • Oshima Tsumugi Experience
    Oshima Tsumugi Experience
  • Canyoning Experience
    Canyoning Experience
  • Shirokuma Experience
    Shirokuma Experience
  • Samurai Experience
    Samurai Experience
  • Satsuma Kiriko Experience
  • Sand Bath Experience
  • Oshima Tsumugi Experience
  • Canyoning Experience
  • Shirokuma Experience
  • Samurai Experience
  • Discover the Journey of Kagoshima




    Introducing hands-on activities to deeply experience the nature, culture and history of Kagoshima.
    Discover special experiences that can only be experienced in Kagoshima.


    Satsuma Kiriko Experience

    Satsuma Kiriko Experience

    Satsuma Kiriko is traditional craft that represent Kagoshima.
    It is a beautiful cut glass that is unprecedented in the world, with a delicate cut pattern engraved on the colored glass that is made by covering transparent glass with colored one.
    Satsuma Kiriko, which has been revived in the present age, is now attracting attention from all over the world as a representative craft of Satsuma.

    Sand Bath Experience

    Sand Bath Experience

    The specialty of Ibusuki Onsen are the sand bath.
    A hot spring method unique to the volcanic region of Kagoshima that promotes the sweating action of the whole body and brings about a detox effect by being buried in warm sand using volcanic heat and warming from the core of the body.
    The sea extends out in front of you: you can relax with the sound of the quiet tide.

    Oshima Tsumugi Experience

    Oshima Tsumugi Experience

    One of the three major textiles in the world is Oshima Tsumugi, a high-class silk fabric from Amami. It features mud dyeing in which 100% silk fabric is dyed with mud many times.
    The beautiful pattern spun on Oshima Tsumugi represents the beautiful nature of Amami. Amami Oshima also offers a rental experience of Oshima Tsumugi.
    Please put your sleeves on the longed-for Oshima Tsumugi and enjoy the history and culture of Amami.

    Canyoning Experience

    Oshima Tsumugi Experience

    Shirakawa-go is a World Heritage Site where 100 gassho-style villages of various sizes blend into the surrounding nature, creating a nostalgic picture-postcard landscape. The beautiful scenery of traditional houses dotted across the tranquil countryside can be described as the original landscape of Japan.
    Gassho-zukuri is one of most famous and distinctive architectural styles. The name derives from its resemblance to the way people put their palms together for pray.
    The gassho-zukuri, a unique building method that does not use a single nail, symbolises the wisdom and culture of the people who live in harmony with the natural environment and is a valuable architectural heritage of Shirakawa-go that should be preserved for the future.

    Shirokuma Experience

    Shirokuma Experience

    Speaking of Kagoshima's summer traditions, "polar bears" are a very popular type of confectionery for Satsuma girls, with their finely shaved ice and plenty of condensed milk and fruits.
    Sweet and cute, fluffy shaved ice is sure to look great on Instagram!
    There is a wide variety of flavors and fruits depending on the store, such as chocolate, strawberry, matcha, yogurt and Ujikintoki tea with azuki beans.

    Samurai Experience

    Samurai Experience

    Hiroshima has two World Heritage Sites.
    The first one is the Atomic Bomb Dome in the center of Hiroshima, registered as a World Heritage Site as a witness to the history of the first atomic bomb dropped in the world in 1945, and also as a symbol of prayer for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting peace.
    Another one is Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima. The vivid vermilion-painted temple standing in the Seto Inland Sea is one of Japan's three most spectacular sights. Itsukushima Shrine changes its mysterious appearance with the ebb and flow of the waves, season after season or hour after hour.
    A tour around the two World Heritage Sites of the Atomic Bomb Dome and Miyajima is a popular sightseeing plan for Hiroshima travel.