Enjoy the gourmet of Tottor|Tottori Travel Information Site

Tottori, which boasts clear air and abundant spring water, is full of delicious local gourmet food nurtured by the vivid nature and climate of the four seasons!
We will introduce you to the exquisite gourmet foods that you definitely want to eat when you travel to Tottori, such as Matsuba crab, Nijisseiki pear, and Tottori wagyu beef.

  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk
  • Tottori's fresh fruit
  • Mitaki-en
  • Ōenosato Nature Ranch
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato

    Enjoy famous Matsuba Crab and other seafood delicacies in Sakaiminato!

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  • Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk

    Enjoy Tottori Wagyu beef, which is so tender and delicious!

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  • Tottori's fresh fruit

    Enjoy the sweetness of fruit produced by Tottori's abundant natural bounty.

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  • Mitaki-en

    Feel the feast of "Slowly" at Mitakien, a wild vegetable restaurant, with 5 senses.

  • Ōenosato Nature Ranch

    A natural resort where you can eat and experience the rich natural setting.


Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato

Facing the Sea of Japan, Tottori is a treasure trove of seafood. You can enjoy the freshness of the sea at a reasonable price.
Sakaiminato, one of Japan's leading fisheries cities, is also known as a good natural port, and is a popular spot for tourists as a city where you can enjoy seafood gourmet that uses fresh seafood such as Matsuba crab and tuna.
In particular, "Matsuba Crab" (male snow crab) continues to fill the stomachs and hearts of tourists from all over Japan as a winter delicacy in Tottori. When you visit Tottori, please enjoy the extravagant Matsuba crab cuisine, which is extremely fresh and full of volume.

Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato


At the Sakaiminato Seafood Direct Sales Center, Tottori's proud seafood such as tuna, flounder, sandfish, and blackthroat seaperch, as well as pine needle crab and fierce shrimp, are lined up in abundance.
There are many seafood restaurants around the centre, and you can enjoy the exquisite seafood bowls that each restaurant boasts at a reasonable price.


  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato
  • Seafood gourmet in Sakaiminato



Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk

Tottori has long been known as a production area for Japanese black beef. Tottori Wagyu is one of Japan's leading Wagyu brands, and has a high recognition for its quality, its marbled texture, and the balanced fat percentage.
Tottori Wagyu beef is famous for its large amount of oleic acid, which is related to the melt-in-your-mouth quality of beef. "Tottori Wagyu Beef Olein 55", which contains more than 55% oleic acid among Tottori Wagyu beef, is extremely popular around the world as the highest quality brand. Tottori Wagyu Olein 55 is characterized by the exquisite balance of lean meat and fat, providing a softness that melts in your mouth, and a savour that pampers your taste buds.

Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk
Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk

Daisen Makiba Milk no Sato

A dairy facility run by Daisen Nyugyo, which is famous for its “white rose” milk. The pasture at the foot of Mt. Daisen offers a peaceful and idyllic landscape.
At the attached restaurant, there are many special menus that use plenty of Tottori Wagyu beef and milk. It is a popular spot for families where you can enjoy a barbecue on the premises.

Ranch Story

  • Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk
  • Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk
  • Tottori Wagyu Beef / Milk
  • Milk no Sato Soft Cream
  • Milk no Sato Soft Cream



Tottori's fresh fruit

Speaking of Tottori, Nijisseiki pears are the most representative, but there are many other must-try fruits such as grapes, watermelons, melons, and persimmons. We hope you relish the sweetness of fruit produced by Tottori's rich natural blessings.
In Tottori, there are many facilities where you can take part in fruit picking experiences. You can pick whatever fruit you like and enjoy the freshly picked fruit on the spot, so it's perfect for making memories of your trip to Tottori with your family! Kids will love it!

Tottori's fresh fruit
Tottori's fresh fruit

Nijisseiki Pear Museum

The only pear-themed museum in Japan where you can enjoy learning about the so-called “20th century pears”, eating them, and playing with them. In addition to the pear garden where the Nijisseiki pears are cultivated, it is a very popular spot for family trips where you can eat and compare 3 types of pears!


  • 二十世紀梨記念館
  • 二十世紀梨ソフトクリーム
  • 二十世紀梨記念館
  • 二十世紀梨記念館
  • 二十世紀梨記念館の梨狩り体験
  • 二十世紀梨ソフトクリーム




In the eastern part of Tottori, from Chizu Station, you can find a secluded restaurant called "Sansai Cuisine Mitakien" in the murmuring of a clear stream in a deep green valley. It is an old private house with a thatched roof that seems to appear in old stories. Mitakien's dining room welcomes you warmly just with its humble mood.
At the restaurant where you can feel the atmosphere of Japanese tradition, a local cuisine that exploits the best of the mountain villages blessing is offered, mainly using wild vegetables harvested locally. In addition to mountain vegetable tempura, there are simple and delicious dishes such as boiled fresh river fish, konjac dengaku, and takikomi style rice, and more.



After getting replenished by a delicious meal, how about taking a walk in the park? No matter where you stroll, in the Mitaki-en grounds you can hear the soft babbling of the brook, and absorb its ubiquitous sense of peace with all your senses, yet with different accents for each of the four seasons.
Forget your busy days and enjoy a blissful time at Mitaki-en.

secret place

  • みたき園 エントランス
  • みたき園 園内
  • みたき園 園内
  • みたき園 食事処
  • みたき園 食事処
  • みたき園 お食事
  • みたき園 川魚
  • みたき園 山菜の天ぷら
  • みたき園 豆腐田楽
  • みたき園 味噌田楽



Ōenosato Nature Ranch

A natural resort about "farmland" and "food" where you can eat and experience the rich nature of Ōenosato.
In the natural farm surrounded by beautiful greenery, you can enjoy colorful "food" and "experiences" all the world related to natural nourishment, while feeling the rich blessings of nature.
The origin of Ōenosato Nature Ranch is in the Tenbi egg. Eggs produced from free-range chickens raised in the great outdoors with beautiful water and clear air. When you break the shell, the plump yolk is rotund and thick, and the white is plump and elastic. Spend a high-quality resort time with exquisite egg dishes that you can enjoy with fresh eggs picked in the morning

Ōenosato Nature Ranch
Ōenosato Nature Ranch

Coco Garden

Only at the directly-managed Coco Garden restaurant, you can enjoy the awesome 'pancakes' and 'egg on white rice' at the ranch café.
The broad shop inside lets visitors take a glance at the bread bakers and the patissiers, passionately preparing delicious treats through a glass partition, filling the whole environment with a realistic sense of industriousness, creating an exciting and thrilling space for food enthusiasts.

Natural Farm

  • Ōenosato Nature Ranch
  • Ōenosato Nature Ranch
  • Ōenosato Nature Ranch
  • YAZU Burger


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